Congratulations to Cathy Zhang,Edward Tao,Rose Zhang,Wendy Li and Cindy Fan. Ivy Education’s Student of the Month!
Teacher Nancy:
" I would like to nominate
Cathy Zhang. She brings a positive attitude to every class, Because she is so willing to practice pronunciation, Cathy is improving rapidly in conversation, she is always prepared for class and participates actively."
Teacher Robin:
" I would like to nominate
Edward Tao. When i started to teach Edward he knew lillte English. Edward studied spelling and want to read more books. Edward takes notes and writes down all the words he doesn't know and their definations, Last week for the first time, Edward carried on a conversation with me, He makes progress with each class."
Teacher Peggy:
" I would like to nominate
Rose Zhang for student of this month, she has shown such an improvement in her reading and has developed a joy for reading. Rose loves learning new words also each new word she learns she records in her notebook. She has also developed her decoding skills which helps her learn all these new words."
Teacher Pamela:
" I would like to nominate
Wendy Li. she is always early and approaches learning with unparalleled enthusiasm. I have taught approximately 5000 students and she is the most enthusiastic child i have ever had."
Teacher Michelle:
" I nominate
Cindy Fan! Cindy has improved SO MUCH - particularly with sharing in organic conversation with me! She has such genunie enjoyment for our class and loves learning! Let's recognize Cindy in all her efforts!"