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5位学员同时获得 2015年4月的 Student of the Month
Congratulations to Beta Cai, Jerry Chen, Eric Zhao, Joyce Ma and Kris Lin, Ivy Education’s Student of the Month!

Teacher Christian Legler:

"I would like to nominate Beta Cai.  I have had him as a student for almost a year.  His English language skills have greatly improved since I started working with him.  In addition, Beta keeps up with homework and prepares for his lessons with me."

Teacher Nancy Fisher:
"You read my mind, Christian.  I have Beta Cai in science and he is an excellent student. His curiosity is insatiable and he asks astute questions. It's fun to be his teacher :)"

Teacher Robin Garrison:

I would like to nominate Kris Lin. This student came to me with no knowledge of English and can't get enough of the classes. He comes early and stays late. He really wants to learn English. He deserves this award. "

Teacher Michelle Baughan:

I want to nominate Eric Zhao. When I first started teaching Eric, it was definitely a task to keep him interested for the whole of the lesson; however, today he is a different student. Eric is much more focused and much more actively engaged throughout our lesson. Our conversations have become more meaningful as has his questions. These are a few of the reasons why I feel that Eric should definitely be nominated as a candidate for student of the month! "

Teacher Holly Cole

I nominate Joyce Ma. Joyce is a student that always tries her hardest. She loves learning and always researches on the Internet the topic in social studies that we are studying. Joyce contributes to our weekly lessons with her extended knowledge of the subject matter, and she makes the material relevant to her own experience through discussion. Most importantly, Joyce has gained a tremendous amount of confidence through reading a loud, and building her sight vocabulary. Joyce approaches the unknown word as a challenge, and one she is always ready to take on with enthusiasm, hard work, and a big smile !"

Teacher Krisitna Heit:

One of my younger students age five, that could not even sound out a single English letter, is now able to read a book.  Jerry Chen knows all the letters and over twenty words.  This is so exciting!  When he first started he wouldn't even sit still and would play with objects around him.  Readingeggs is a great program.  Patience and persistence are key elements to helping students be successful."

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